This Week in Pictures: a Namibian Sunset

painted by: M. J. Wolfe

painted by: K. Breeding
Note: Miss Breeding did some "scrubbing out" and some color "lifting" (if I recall correctly) this week, proving the superiority of working on a nice heavy (140lb) paper.

Note: Master B. Davis proved this week that even for graphic artists "the show must go on." He was forced to complete this assignment without benefit of his "dominant hand." (Rumor has it the injury to said hand occurred during a tussle with airport security over the "safety" of carrying watercolors across international boundaries, int'l waters or some such.) Bravo, B.

Note: Ms. Escue used a more dilute set of washes here, showing how adaptable our Pelikan opaque paints are. Opaque colors will not be as "clean and clear looking" as traditional Transparent wc, but they can certainly be used that way.

painted by: C. Lee

painted by: H. Ridge

painted by: R. Fadler