Homework for Week 1: Infinite Grays

Ever run out of time in class? We did this week, so here's a reproduction of the exercise I sent home with the students. They have a card with the blank shapes already drawn in waterproof pen (remind them to reserve that pen for our class only - at least 'til semester's end). Except for the far right pair of circles (Burnt Sienna - BS & Ultramarine Blue) colors are laid out just as they are in their (beautiful! Pelikan brand) paint boxes.

Note: They will need a 10"x10" square of old cotton t-shirt for a paint rag & remind them to keep brushes clean between colors while painting by using the two-water-dish & blotting technique demo'd in class. It really is the best/easiest way to accomplish this. Oh, and clean, blot, then shape the brush's bristles and leave out in the air to completely dry before storing.

Infinite Grays
(for shadows, etc.):
  1. Fill in the "pure" colors (the top & bottom rows); let dry.
  2. Work with one "pair" @ a time, pre-wetting the "in-between" rectangle and spotting on (@ appropriate end) the pure colors, allowing them to bleed together in the middle. The student may need to add more pure color(s) to get this to happen. Let dry if blocks are very close, otherwise proceed to next pair.
  3. Once dry keep in paint kit for reference.
Hope they (& you!) keep having fun in this class.


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