Our next stop? "Yupo"
Step away from your pencils...if you're putting 'transfer-graphite' on the back of your homework drawing that is. Our new paper isn't paper at all, but Yupo's 100% polypropylene! Why didn't I realize this sooner: it's so translucent we can TRACE RIGHT THROUGH IT. That's the good news. Bad news is our normally SUPER pens are not quite waterproof on it, but more good news is I have some India Ink which is, so...I get to do all 12 (!!!) ink-drawings for you. I expect, um, well, dark chocolate is always appropriate. Just kidding. Here's 'stage 1' of about 3 stages. We can't work too soupy on this surface, as it takes a bit longer to dry. If either assistant is reading this - could you bring hairdryers, too? In our first stage we'll cover our entire painting in it's Mid-tones. Sort of like below. Then stage 2'll be some darker/richer tones, followed by stage 3's lighter/brighter tones and final highlights and deepest darks. I...